Product update

New visual media picker

To get high response rates your surveys and emails must be appealing, and match your company’s branding. Adding your logo increases recognizability, adding an image of an incentive, increases click-through and completion rates. You may want to show a series of ads or packaging and ask respondents what they think.

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Download open answers fast and easy

You’ve done all the preliminary work. You’ve thought long and hard about all the questions you needed to ask as well as what you want to do with the results afterwards.

Your survey turned out to be a big success. Everyone even took the opportunity to provide additional comments everywhere you asked for them.


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Improved security for downloads

As an enterprise survey tool, we prove time and time again security is our top priority. Our default SSL encryption and 2-step verification is a testament of our commitment to our users’ security. Today, we add an extra layer of security to downloads and exports from CheckMarket.

When you export data from CheckMarket, a URL is generated which gives access to the file. The transfer itself is secured by https, but if someone could get the URL, for instance if your computer was hacked and sending info to someone else, they too could get the data. This is no longer the case. Now, all URLs to downloads require an authenticated user with access to the specific survey. Our feature to share results with others (not CM users), is protected too and requires a password to access the results.

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CheckMarket makes SSL encryption the default

Our users have always had the option of using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to create a secure encrypted connection between their computer and CheckMarket. If it is now turned on by default for all users and all surveys.

What is SSL (or HTTPS)?

SSL verifies the identity of a company (CheckMarket) over the internet with a certificate authority. If everything checks out, CheckMarket and your computer establish an initial connection called a handshake. During the handshake the connection will determine which kind of encryption or scrambling it will use. The agreement created during the handshake is used to set up a secure connection between CheckMarket and your computer, called a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Now the connection between CheckMarket and your computer is secure, and not at risk from third party infiltration.

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New message bar – The devil is in the detail

The response rate of a survey is important, but as researchers, we often use only fully completed surveys. That means we need to get people to take the time to reach the end of a survey. While there is lot of talk about gamification and other high-end solutions, as is often the case, the devil is in the detail. We have always worked hard to keep page-load times down in our survey tool. If a respondent feels a survey takes too long to load between pages, they are gone. We have also worked hard to make our surveys mobile friendly.

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Build custom dashboards

An important phase of the research process is the presentation of results. One of the more engaging ways to present research results is through online dashboards. A dashboard provides a summary of the most important results or findings related to a particular subject in a visual way, arranged on a single web page.

Dashboards can be connected to live data that is automatically updated in real-time with results coming from one or more survey projects. So you are able to visualize and share key information, whenever you want and quicker than ever. A dashboard is easy to access via internet or intranet.

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Geautomatiseerde meldingen: neem actie en win

Geautomatiseerde meldingen maken van uw enquêtes tweerichtingscommunicatie. Wanneer een respondent bepaalde antwoorden geeft of een zeker antwoordpatroon volgt, kan u een automatische melding ontvangen. Zo kan u meteen reageren en communiceren met uw respondenten.

U kan bijvoorbeeld automatisch ontevreden respondenten herkennen op basis van een NPS- of algemene tevredenheidsvraag. Automatische berichten laten u toe onmiddellijk op te volgen. Welke meldingen zijn mogelijk?

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