Enquêtes zijn hard veranderd de voorbije vijftien jaar. Klantentevredenheid, bijvoorbeeld, is geëvolueerd van een lange enquête die één keer per jaar werd uitgevoerd naar korte, langlopende en longitudinale enquêtes gespreid over het klantentraject. CheckMarket is ook geëvolueerd, en heeft onderweg nieuwe features en ‘best practices’ geïntroduceerd.
Nadia De Vriendt
Introducing ‘Sliders’ – our new survey question type
This summer marks the birth of a new survey question type: sliders! Sliders are an engaging and interactive type of survey question. How it works? The respondent clicks a button and drags or slides it along a horizontal line indicating their positive or negative feeling towards a certain statement or question.
Survey email notifications are now more versatile
Survey email notifications enable you to take action more quickly. They started out as quick, internal call-outs to yourself, colleagues, management, … You are informed straight away when a respondent answers in a certain way so you can immediately follow up on their feedback. Your (perhaps not so satisfied) customer would be so impressed by the speed of your actions he would instantly turn into a promoter.
Average and median per sub-question in a matrix
Have you noticed? We added 2 new columns to the charts for matrix questions: average and median.
You were always able to see the general average and median for the entire matrix question in the legend below each matrix chart. This was already very useful data. But sometimes you just need to dig in deeper.
New visual media picker
To get high response rates your surveys and emails must be appealing, and match your company’s branding. Adding your logo increases recognizability, adding an image of an incentive, increases click-through and completion rates. You may want to show a series of ads or packaging and ask respondents what they think.
Download open answers fast and easy
You’ve done all the preliminary work. You’ve thought long and hard about all the questions you needed to ask as well as what you want to do with the results afterwards.
Your survey turned out to be a big success. Everyone even took the opportunity to provide additional comments everywhere you asked for them.
Mobile Friendly Survey Tool
Responsive design is being talked about, and it’s no surprise. People are going mobile more and more, which is why you need to consider mobile surveys.
For that reason we’ve already made sure that our surveys are mobile device friendly. They can be filled out with the same ease on any device.