Customer Experience

Product Update: Enhanced Display Logic, New Answer Order Options, and More

We’re thrilled to announce some significant updates to CheckMarket, including enhanced display logic and new, easy ways to randomize answer choices in your surveys.

Here’s just a few of the goodies you can look forward to when you next log in:

  • Simplified user experience for adding display logic to questions and answer choices
  • Powerful new display logic options to choose from
  • New answer choice randomization & anchoring options
  • Ease of use improvements for survey creation

Simplified user experience for adding display logic to surveys

Previously, to implement display logic for questions and answer choices, you needed to use the CheckMarket Scripting Language (CSL). CSL is a very powerful tool, and is extremely useful for setting up more advanced and complex display logic. However, we recognize that in some cases, you may not have the time or resources to reap the benefits from CSL.

So, to supplement our CSL offering, we’ve introduced an additional ‘point-and-click’ interface which makes it much easier to set up and configure your question-level and answer-choice-level display logic. Learn more in our knowledgebase articles here and here

Powerful new display logic options to choose from

In addition to creating a more user-friendly way to set up display logic for questions and answer choices, we’ve introduced new options that will be available to select in each of the display logic dropdowns – at the page level, question level, and answer choice level.

Previously, the options offered within the page display logic dropdowns were limited to single-select options, such as “is,” “is not,” “is empty,” “is not empty,” etc. 

We’ve introduced six new options, including four multi-select options, which will allow you to select multiple data points within one single condition, providing additional flexibility:

  • Is one of (multi-select)
  • Is not any of (multi-select)
  • Contains all of (multi-select)
  • Does not contain all of (multi-select)
  • Is greater than or equal to
  • Is less than or equal to

New answer choice display order & randomization options

An essential aspect of market research involves randomizing your survey to ensure that any bias is eliminated across survey participants, thereby improving the data quality of your survey results. 

With this release, we’ve introduced new ways to randomize the order in which each question’s answer choices are displayed, from simpler use cases to advanced randomization – including flip choices, displaying random subsets, anchoring the position of certain answer choices, and more. Learn more about the new answer choice order options available to you in our dedicated knowledgebase article

Ease-of-use improvements for survey creation

Finally, with this release we’ve made a couple of smaller improvements to survey creation. 

Copy a page of questions

You can now copy an entire page of questions from another survey. This will ensure you don’t have to copy one question at a time, which will save time when building surveys. Read our knowledgebase article to learn more. 

Viewing the entire question text when copying a question

When copying a question from another survey, you can now see the entire question text rather than a truncated version of it, making it easier to identify.

Happy researching!

We hope you’re as excited about the new improvements to CheckMarket as we are. Dive into CheckMarket now to try out the new functionality for yourself.

Alternatively, if you’re not already using CheckMarket, what are you waiting for?

CheckMarket offers a friendly, modern platform that focuses on engaging an audience and bringing in comprehensive and actionable feedback.

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Product Update: Conjoint Analysis Now Available Within CheckMarket

We are excited to announce the new Conjoint feature in CheckMarket! With Conjoint, you can now have an even deeper understanding of consumer preferences across varying marketing and product research use cases.

Whether your objective is to prioritize product features or functionality, or to understand how various messaging and product claims resonate with a target audience, you can now enable these objectives and beyond within CheckMarket.

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Product Update: MaxDiff Analysis Now Available Within CheckMarket

We’re thrilled to announce CheckMarket’s new MaxDiff feature! From today, you’ll see the new MaxDiff question type and reporting functionality within CheckMarket.

With MaxDiff, you can now better understand consumer preferences across various use cases. Whether your objective is to prioritize product features or to get clarity on how different messages resonate with the market, MaxDiff is a precise and proven method for extracting exactly what’s important for your audience.

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Give real-time feedback to respondents

The concept of “gamification” and “market research” has been gaining traction for several years. You can use gaming techniques to improve the quality of feedback from online research.

When you create a survey you want respondents to fill in your entire survey and to answer the questions correctly. Research shows that the more you engage with the respondent and the more respondents enjoy the experience, the better the quantity and quality of feedback.

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Hoe start-ups zoals Airbnb klanttevredenheid meten

“Een essentieel competitief voordeel dat start-ups moeten hebben is de vaardigheid om van klanten te leren”, schreef Eric Ries in zijn boek The Lean Startup, zowat de onofficiële bijbel van de start-up beweging. Klanttevredenheid meten is erg belangrijk voor dit soort bedrijven, en in deze blogpost zoeken we uit hoe drie van hen (TransferWise, Airbnb en Uber) ermee omgaan.

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Klanttevredenheid meten: CSAT, CES en NPS

Acroniemen zijn hip, en niet alleen bij jongeren of in de IT wereld. Ook wij marktonderzoekers zijn er gek op. In dit artikel komen er drie aan bod: CSAT, CES en NPS®. We gebruiken ze in enquêtes om klanttevredenheid te meten. Dus wat doen ze precies? En zijn er grote verschillen? Kan je ze samen gebruiken? Ontdek nu het antwoord op deze vragen!
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Hoe goed scoort je klantenservice?

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Klanttevredenheid meten? Stel de juiste vragen

Een enquête is hét medium om de algemene tevredenheid van je klanten te meten. Maar welke vragen moet je precies stellen om een scherp zicht te krijgen op je klanttevredenheid? Doorgaans maakt het marktonderzoek een onderscheid tussen 4 vraagtypes: klantentrouw, algemene tevredenheid, gepercipieerde product- en servicekwaliteit en de kans op een nieuwe aankoop.

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Manage the follow-up of dissatisfied respondents

In this day and age of social media, where unhappy customers tell the world about their bad customer experience with a click, it is imperative to quickly and efficiently handle complaints and negative responses from surveys.

When we introduced real-time alerts in 2011, we had no idea how popular it would become. Now, a lot of best practice has surfaced and one of these is how to manage, track and report the follow-up of alerts.

Let’s take a look at a structured follow-up method, using CheckMarket’s platform itself.

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