Ontvang enquêtemeldingen in Slack

Gebruik je Slack al? Hier op kantoor zijn we er gek op! Efficiënt communiceren binnen een team was nooit eerder zo eenvoudig. Daarom zijn we trots (en niet zo’n beetje!) dat je vanaf nu rechtstreeks enquêtemeldingen in Slack kunt ontvangen via onze CheckMarket enquête tool.

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De meerwaarde van een visueel aantrekkelijke enquête

Een goeie klantenenquête is het begin van een conversatie tussen een merk en zijn (potentiële) klanten. Het hoofddoel is uiteraard inzicht krijgen in je klantenbestand, maar een enquête draagt ook bij tot de herkenbaarheid en de uitstraling van een bedrijf of organisatie. Bovendien heeft de look-and-feel een directe invloed op de responsratio van een enquête. Dit artikel gaat dieper in op enkele belangrijke designaspecten die je enquête naar een hoger niveau tillen.

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Hoe goed scoort je klantenservice?

Slaagt je bedrijf erin de problemen en vragen van klanten vlug op te lossen? Dat is in essentie de vraag die elk tevredenheidsonderzoek naar klantenservice moet beantwoorden. Maar hoe begin je aan zo’n onderzoek? Hoe stel je een enquête op die je de antwoorden geeft die je nodig hebt, én – nog belangrijker – wat doe je met al die data om je service te verbeteren? Om dat vlot en efficiënt te doen heb je een systeem nodig dat je toelaat alle klantenfeedback te monitoren én vervolgens te implementeren in je diensten.

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Klanttevredenheid meten? Stel de juiste vragen

Een enquête is hét medium om de algemene tevredenheid van je klanten te meten. Maar welke vragen moet je precies stellen om een scherp zicht te krijgen op je klanttevredenheid? Doorgaans maakt het marktonderzoek een onderscheid tussen 4 vraagtypes: klantentrouw, algemene tevredenheid, gepercipieerde product- en servicekwaliteit en de kans op een nieuwe aankoop.

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Survey email notifications are now more versatile

Survey email notifications enable you to take action more quickly. They started out as quick, internal call-outs to yourself, colleagues, management, … You are informed straight away when a respondent answers in a certain way so you can immediately follow up on their feedback. Your (perhaps not so satisfied) customer would be so impressed by the speed of your actions he would instantly turn into a promoter.

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Average and median per sub-question in a matrix

Have you noticed? We added 2 new columns to the charts for matrix questions: average and median.

You were always able to see the general average and median for the entire matrix question in the legend below each matrix chart. This was already very useful data. But sometimes you just need to dig in deeper.

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New visual media picker

To get high response rates your surveys and emails must be appealing, and match your company’s branding. Adding your logo increases recognizability, adding an image of an incentive, increases click-through and completion rates. You may want to show a series of ads or packaging and ask respondents what they think.

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Download open answers fast and easy

You’ve done all the preliminary work. You’ve thought long and hard about all the questions you needed to ask as well as what you want to do with the results afterwards.

Your survey turned out to be a big success. Everyone even took the opportunity to provide additional comments everywhere you asked for them.


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Improved security for downloads

As an enterprise survey tool, we prove time and time again security is our top priority. Our default SSL encryption and 2-step verification is a testament of our commitment to our users’ security. Today, we add an extra layer of security to downloads and exports from CheckMarket.

When you export data from CheckMarket, a URL is generated which gives access to the file. The transfer itself is secured by https, but if someone could get the URL, for instance if your computer was hacked and sending info to someone else, they too could get the data. This is no longer the case. Now, all URLs to downloads require an authenticated user with access to the specific survey. Our feature to share results with others (not CM users), is protected too and requires a password to access the results.

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4 tips om iedereen te betrekken bij je Net Promoter Score programma: Webinar

Zoals we allemaal weten is enkel de Net Promoter ScoreSM meten niet genoeg. Het ultieme doel is om klanttevredenheid te verhogen wat vereist dat iedereen van de organisatie betrokken is. Omdat de hoogste rangen van managers beslissen dat NPS belangrijk is, zorgt er niet automatisch voor dat dit voor iedereen belangrijk is.

Vandaag geven we 4 praktische tips die je meteen kunt toepassen.

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4 stages of Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Many realize the strengths of Net Promoter ScoreSM but few exploit the full potential of NPS® in an automated feedback program. In this blog we will go in depth on how to get NPS to the next level and effectively set up an automated feedback loop. We illustrate this with the ‘the 4 stages of Net Promoter Score’. Starting from inviting your customers to a classic customer satisfaction survey going to integrating the Net Promoter Score approach as an early churn detection and prevention mechanism into your Business Intelligence Software.
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Pitfalls of “don’t know/no opinion” answer options in surveys

In this new blog article we dig deeper into the use of the “don’t know” and “no opinion” (“DK/NO”) answer options in closed questions. After all, there is some debate in the scientific literature on whether to include or omit them. After extensively discussing the pros and cons of adding/omitting these answer options, we will provide you with some recommendations on how to deal with these answer options.

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CheckMarket makes SSL encryption the default

Our users have always had the option of using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to create a secure encrypted connection between their computer and CheckMarket. If it is now turned on by default for all users and all surveys.

What is SSL (or HTTPS)?

SSL verifies the identity of a company (CheckMarket) over the internet with a certificate authority. If everything checks out, CheckMarket and your computer establish an initial connection called a handshake. During the handshake the connection will determine which kind of encryption or scrambling it will use. The agreement created during the handshake is used to set up a secure connection between CheckMarket and your computer, called a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Now the connection between CheckMarket and your computer is secure, and not at risk from third party infiltration.

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New message bar – The devil is in the detail

The response rate of a survey is important, but as researchers, we often use only fully completed surveys. That means we need to get people to take the time to reach the end of a survey. While there is lot of talk about gamification and other high-end solutions, as is often the case, the devil is in the detail. We have always worked hard to keep page-load times down in our survey tool. If a respondent feels a survey takes too long to load between pages, they are gone. We have also worked hard to make our surveys mobile friendly.

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Build custom dashboards

An important phase of the research process is the presentation of results. One of the more engaging ways to present research results is through online dashboards. A dashboard provides a summary of the most important results or findings related to a particular subject in a visual way, arranged on a single web page.

Dashboards can be connected to live data that is automatically updated in real-time with results coming from one or more survey projects. So you are able to visualize and share key information, whenever you want and quicker than ever. A dashboard is easy to access via internet or intranet.

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How to embed a survey in a mobile app

Mobile app usage has exploded in the last few years. Just like their website counterparts, app makers need feedback from their users.
While there are great systems for tracking how your app is used, connecting that info to who those users are and finding out what their motivations are, is what surveys do well.

But how? You could reinvent the wheel and write custom code to get the answers or use CheckMarket’s powerful survey tool to generate a survey and then embed the survey in your app. Using the same kind of code you would use to request a review for the app store, ask users to fill in a survey. Since the survey is coming from our servers, you can change the questions without updating your app!

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Mediafin changes strategy based on a survey among 16K readers

Mediafin and Trustmedia, the publisher and the media sales house of the Belgian financial newspapers De Tijd and L’Echo presented their new strategy, Trust 3.0.
The new commercial approach is in a nutshell, “from paper to pixel”.
To gain insights for their new strategy, they organized the Digital Newspaper Survey via the CheckMarket platform. This study asked more than 16.000 readers about their media usage (paper, pc, smartphone, and tablet).

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